The study decodes the success an Instagram account that became an overnight success
You read this in her voice, didn’t you? If you didn’t, it’s time to come out from under the rock. There have been a lot of articles that talk about when the account started, how it escalated, and the nonchalance of the person behind the voices. So, I am not going to get into that. What I want to do is to use this account as a case study. Yep, let’s learn something from an account that is known for talking nonsense, much like you and me.
Brand Introduction: Swineryy (Insta handle @swineryy)
Swineryy is an Instagram account that tickles over a 100 million followers with different characters created from an iPhone Superemoji app.
Today pathar uthao tou hazaar accounts miltay hai that what to create a unique voice, but the online-verse is so saturated with content that it’s not easy to be the voice (or voices in this case) to stand out.
Created a venting outlet to say random, ridiculous, and yet relatable things. Or otherwise put as: exploring the enigmatic and incredible complexities of the human mind.
Creative idea:
Taking nuances of everyday life, dipping it in humour, coating it with apt accents, and presenting it willy-nilly.
Swineryy creates fun characters that have personalities of their own and come from different walks of life. They talk about various issues they are facing and their views on it. No holds barred. With a bilingual approach it targets people from all walks of life who want to laugh at inanity. There was no thought except ‘it’s funny’ that started this account in 2018, but as followers increase so do the characters. The emojis have become so synonymous with the account that whoever uses the app by default gets compared to Swineryy.
Popular characters:

Hania Aamir tried her hand but apparently it backfired.
Celebrities started copying her.

People started giving life to the characters
Initially the account was sponsored to reach a wider audience. It reached around 3000 followers through paid media. After that through shares and word-of-mouth the following on the page slowly started increasing without more sponsored ads. Around March publications got wind of this and Swineryy got mentioned in Dawn Images, Mangobaaaz, and Tribune. The unpaid media mention in these accounts that have followers in millions increased Swineryy’s following from 3000 to +100,000 within 1 month increasing engagement on the account exponentially.