Thugs of Hindostan Showtimes in Lahore Cinemas

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Thugs of Hindostan Showtimes in Lahore

Advance online booking for Thugs of Hindostan tickets has started already. The movie will be screening on almost all cinemas of the city, and is expected to be a superhit. It release on November 8, 2018 – today! Release weekend will draw massive crowds for this much-awaited Aamir Khan starer action-adventure movie.

If you are planning to watch Thugs of Hindostan this weekend, there are plenty of shows to choose from. In afternoon, evening, night, late-night, and even very late-night (2am). Looking for a time, and a place that suits you best? There is a show running almost any time during the day – after 12pm.

Movie Details:

Release Date in Pakistan: November 8, 2018

Duration: 168 minutes (after censor)

Cast: Aamir Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Katrina Kaif, Fatima Sana Shaikh

Thugs of Hindostan Showtimes in Lahore Cinemas

Below are the details and show timings in major cinemas and multiplexes of Lahore.

Cinestar IMAX Lahore

Show 1 Afternoon: 1:30 PM every day

Show 2 Afternoon: 4:30 PM every day

Show 3 Evening: 7:30 PM every day

Show 4 Night: 10:45 AM every day

Show 5 Late-night: 2:00 AM – Friday and Saturday only

CINEPAX Packages Mall

2:15 PM (C-Max)

4:15 PM

5:30 PM (C-Max)

6:15 PM

7:30 PM

8:45 PM (C-Max)

9:30 PM

10:45 PM

12:00 AM – Late night show (C-Max)

CINEPAX Amanah Mall

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

1:30 PM

3:20 PM

4:20 PM

4:45 PM

5:30 PM (Gold)

6:40 PM

7:40 PM

8:00 PM

8:50 PM (Gold)

10:00 PM

11:00 PM

11:30 PM

CINEPAX Fortress Mall

4:45 PM

6:30 PM

7:45 PM

9:45 PM

10:45 PM

Super Cinema Vogue Tower Lahore

Thursday November 8, 2018

12:30 PM, 04:00 PM, 07:15 PM, 10:30 PM

November 9-11, 2018

Noon: 12:00pm (except Friday)

Afternoon: 03:00pm

Evening: 06:00pm

Night: 09:15pm

Late night: 12:30am

Universal Cinemas Emporium Mall Lahore

The Universal Cinemas will be screening Thugs of Hindostan on over 125 screens this week alone. Here are the details.

Ticket prices vary depending on which cinema you pick. Since the movie is expected to receive massive reception, it’s better to book ticket in advance, and be there on time.

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Jutt is the master of analyzing and criticizing anything that displeases his nerdy aura. He isn't afraid to voice his opinions as long as they are from behind a screen. Fun fact: all his gadgets have names and identities.

