Pakistani brands cashing in on Game of Thrones fever. Do you blame them? The craze for the show is such that friendships are broken, people unfollowed if spoilers revealed accidentally. The last time we took something so seriously was the debate of biryani with or without aaloo.
Haier highlighted their super cooling feature to to depict the they rule the cooling game, but it seems like no one branding team has watched Game of Thrones. The throne is not in Winterfell, it’s in King’s Landing where the weather is warm. Unless this is the Iron Throne after the White Walkers invasion in which case Adnan Siddiqui looks too human.
And then a fan sent a WTF message to them:
Haier: Oh, shit!
Another one that knows nothing about context. If you have seen the the first episode of season season [spoiler alert] the White walkers nail a little boy ot the way to leave a message. That scene left a bad taste in my mouth. Not the feeling you want for a food brand.
Pakistan Cables
So, it seems the designer spent so much time on creating the pipe throne that he/she said ‘fuck designing anything else’. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for minimalistic ads, but incomplete ads put my pipes in a twist.
Nestlé Everyday
Definitely the better of the lot. Would have prefered it if the line was more like one of the sayings in the show. Every house has it’s catchphrase – ‘A Lannister always pays his debts’, ‘Winter is coming’, ‘What is dead may never die’. Go all the way, ‘House Khaas – powder has power in it”
Level up
When winter comes is really affects everyone. This was the last thing I expected to see on a truck, but here we are. Not a brand add, but bloody darn good unpaid show promotion.
Those were a few of the nuggets we found in the internet world. If you have any that we haven’t seen let us know!